Job Market Trends & Interview Tips
Job Searching and Your End Of Year Bonus – “Is The Time Right”
Hi Everyone, Today I’d like to discuss a very interesting item that anyone who has ever searched for a job has thought about before Job searching and your end of year bonus. “Is now a good time to search” With the holidays near & many passive candidates on the market,…Read more
Staffing Tips For Hiring Managers
Hello Everyone, I was thinking about topics & a good friend suggested interview tips for hiring managers & what interview techniques can I use to make sure I make the right choice? I think that this is something that we can look into. Staffing Tips For Hiring Managers First, lets…Read more
Giving Notice and The Counter-Offer
Hi Everyone, I hope this reaches all of you well. This post will cover a very sensitive & stressful issue. "Giving notice and the counter-offer". Giving notice is a very difficult thing to do. It’s a loss regardless of whether you are leaving on good terms or not. I speak…Read more
Finding The Right Recruiter
Hello. In this week’s posting "Finding The Right Recruiter", I wanted to focus on both job seekers & employers on a question that I’m sure has crossed their minds. Which recruiter is the “right” one for me? It’s a tough question, especially in this day & age of literally hundreds…Read more
How To Create The Perfect Resume
Hi Everyone, Happy New Year! In this post I’d like to share my thoughts on how to create the perfect resume & resume building to get noticed in a job market that is flooded with quality talent. I review several hundred resumes a week so I’d like to share what stands out…Read more
Job Searching And The Holidays
Hello Everyone, Just a thought. I’ve spoken to many people over the past few weeks & I have heard a similar theme. Once December comes around, the job market is closed & no one will be hired until after the New Year. I’ve heard it from employers who have urgent…Read more
Welcome To EDE Partners Web Blog
Hello Everyone, My name is Alex Dubovoy, & I am the President of EDE Partners, Welcome To EDE Partners Web Blog. I have been in the IT Staffing & Consulting Industry for over 22 years & decided that it was time to create this blog in order to give any…Read more